
Reina Olga ha l'obiettivo a portare il meglio dell'artigianato italiano e della qualità nel guardaroba da spiaggia. Ogni pezzo è fatto a mano da abili sarte italiane donne che utilizzano solo i materiali migliori.


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30 Giorni


Reina Olga IT Programma d'affiliazione

Once upon a time, a 27 year old Guia knocked on the door of one of Milan's most prestigious Ateliers in the luxury swimwear and lingerie production sectors.
She was greeted and welcomed by the most incredible team of women, who do their job with so much passion and attention to detail.
Fast-forward 8 years and the relationship has inevitably grown to feeling like family.
I want to express my immense gratitude to these women, first of all for believing in me and in the incredibly small project that it was at the time, and secondly, for still being here today and sharing this crazy ride with me.I love you.